This is the master course list of both criminal justice courses that are offered within our program, as well as the courses that are offered by outside departments which satisfy the Thematic requirements of the Criminal Justice major.
Please be advised that not all of these courses are offered every semester. To check out our past course offerings, please take a look at our course schedules available by semester. More detailed course descriptions and course syllabi are located on the Course Descriptions page, and course syllabi can also be found by semester on the Course Syllabi page. For more information about internships, independent study, and honors research thesis projects, please visit the respective pages.
These courses are used to satisfy the Thematic requirements of the C.J. Major.
Theme: Human Behavior, Deviance, and Crime (HBDC)
American Studies
01:050:324 Wayward Americans
01:070:310 Human Aggression
01:830:375 Prejudice and Conflict
01:920:304 Sociology of Deviant Behavior
01:920:306 Race Relations
01:920:307 Sociology of Mental Illness
01:920:361 Sociology of Drug Use
01:920:410 Sociology of Alcohol Problems
Theme: Social Control Institutions (SCI)
Africana Studies
01:014:353 Black Community Law and Social Change
01:220:395 Law and Economics
11:370:490 How to Get Away with Murder
01:512:404 Constitutional History from 1865
Political Science
01:790:340 Law and Society
01:790:341 Public Administration
01:790:404 Politics of Criminal Justice
Latino & Hispanic Caribbean Studies
01:595:370 Law and the Latino Community
01:920:349 Law and Society
Theme: Law and Ethics (LE)
01:730:342 Social and Political Philosophy
01:730:345 Philosophy and the Law
01:730:358 Philosophy of Law
Political Science
01:790:373 Legal Philosophy, Rights, and Justice
01:790:401 American Constitutional Law
01:790:406 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Women’s and Gender Studies
01:988:307 Women and the Law