Majors and Minors: Criminal Justice & Computer Science
Year: 2019
How did you decide on your major?
When I went to APA day, I heard Sarah speak about the endless possible careers that could be sought after with a degree in Criminal Justice and the interesting topics that we as students of the major would get to tap into. I could not think of another major to choose coming to Rutgers. My Computer Science degree, on the other hand, was chosen in a non-conventional way. After taking different classes that fell under majors such as Business, Dance, Political Science, and Philosophy, I found that I did not like any of them. This made me weary when it came to choosing my minor. It felt as though I was doing a lot of reading and writing of papers and I longed to take classes that were in the stem field, so I took a chance. I had never heard about Computer Science, it just was not a topic discussed in my high school, but my willingness to take the risk, resulted in me taking one of the hardest classes that I have taken at Rutgers. The challenge that computer science presented was exactly what I needed and I loved it so much that I made it my second major.
What is it about your chosen field (and the department) that appeals to you?
I love the personable characteristics of the professors. They are willing to talk with you about difficulties that you face in the class. They are willing to work with you when you do not understand different topics and most of all they keep class interesting to attend. Each professor brings something new to the department.
Do you have a favorite class/professor within your major?
My favorite professor actually retired from the Criminal Justice Department. His name was Professor Hinds. I can honestly say that class was hard. His exams were in depth but his Socratic method of teaching kept us students on out feet and encouraged us to read so that we would not be embarrassed. This class taught me accountability, how law school could be, and that in life prepare for all things.
What are your favorite academic experiences outside of your major?
My favorite academic experiences would have to be the internships that I have had. I cannot stress enough how instrumental they were in me deciding what I loved and did not like about the CJ field. With so many avenues to choose from, internships really helped to narrow career paths down for me.
What are your other Rutgers activities?
I am involved with the Criminal Justice Honor Society, work as a student worker in the Criminal Justice Department, have served as an RA/AA for three consecutive years and am the Vice President to the Rutgers Liberated Gospel Organization.
What are your plans following graduation?
After graduation I hope to further a career in cyber security with a federal agency.