Christie Hui Image 71243Majors and Minors: Criminal Justice & Psychology (majors) and Music (minor)

Year: 2020

How did you decide on your major?

I’ve always had an interest in Criminal Justice but I started as a Computer Science major. In the spring of my freshman year, I took the Intro to CJ course with Professor Donnelly and I immediately knew I wanted to change my major. I wasn’t interested in any of my computer science classes but every lecture I had in the criminal justice class captured my attention.

What is it about your chosen field (and the department) that appeals to you?

I know there are other fields that can do the same but I want to be able to help people and change the world for the better, even if it’s something small.

Do you have a favorite class/professor within your major?

My favorite professors so far are Professor Donnelly and Professor Soto. Both are amazing professors and make their classes fun and interesting so learning was a breeze!

What are your favorite academic experiences outside of your major?

I've played instruments and had music throughout my life so I really enjoy the music classes I've taken here so far. I'm just glad I can still include music in my life after high school.

What are your other Rutgers activities?

I'm a part of the Criminal Justice Organization!

What are your plans following graduation?

I'm still exploring the different paths I can take with my majors and minor in mind, but I will most likely work in law enforcement or continue schooling to get a higher degree in Psychology.

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